Contoh soal narrative text dan kunci jawaban.
Direction: answer the following questions correctly by choosing A, B, C, or D.
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The following text is for question number 1 to 3
Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor's garden because their father had an accident there.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes.
Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor Peter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, milk, and blackberries for supper.
1. Who was the naughtiest rabbit?
B. Mopsy
C. Cotton-tail
D. Peter
2. What did Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail eat?
B. Blackberries
C. lettuce
D. Strawberry
3. What did Peter lose while he was running?
B. A book
C. Vegetable
D. A pair of shoes
This text is for questions 4 to 6
Once upon a time, Sunan Kalijaga planned to visit Sunan Muria in Pair, Central Java He asked his friend, Ki Rangga, to go with him. Several servants also joined them to carry their luggage and they began walking to Sunan Muria's house.
Several hours later, Ki Rangga felt tired. He was embraced to walk together with Sunan Kalijaga because Sunan Kalijaga did not look tired while Ki Rangga was very tired and thirsty. Finally, Sunan Kalijaga asked Ki Rangga to take a rest under a big tree. It was time for Zuhur prayer. But, there was no water around to clean you or wudu. Ki Rangga was confused He told Sunan Kalijaga about it. Sunan Kalijaga only smiled and said, "We should pray for Allah SWT for water Now you must guard this big tree, Ki Rangga, it might bring water to us. But remember! Everything happens because of Allah SW1. Don't act alone. You must inform me when the water comes out. I will be behind that hill. "Ki Rangga promised Sunan Kalijaga to inform him when the water came out. So, Sunan Kalijaga went behind the hill. Ki Rangga with his servants sat under the big tree. They quickly fell asleep. Suddenly the water came out of the big tree. Ki Rangga and his servants became wet. They woke up. They were very happy to see the water. They drank and played in the water Ki Rangga forgot Sunan Kalijaga's message to inform him when the water came out.
Behind the hill, Sunan Kalijaga was worried. So, he went to the big tree. He was surprised to see Ki Rangga and his servants were playing in the water. "You forgot my message to inform me when the water comes out. Instead, you are playing in the water like a turtle," said Sunan Kalijaga, softly. A miracle happened. Ki Rangga and his servants turned into turtles. Ki Rangga was sad. He had changed into turtles because he did not keep his promise. The water formed a pond. It is now called Sendang Sani, in Pati, Central Java. Many people still visit Sendang Sani now.
4 Where was Sunan Kalijaga when the water came out?
B. In pall, Central Java
C. Sunan Muria's house
D. Behind the hill
5. Why did Ki Rangga and his servants become turtles?
B. Because they love playing in the water.
C. Because they forgot to go to the big tree.
D. Because they promised to keep their secret.
6. The water formed a pond. The underlined word means ...
B. took away
C. brought about
D. looked after
This text is for question number 7 to 9
One day, a man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted to send it to his mother who lived far in another town through a delivery company Meanwhile, he was looking at a sad young girl who was sitting in front of the flower shop. He asked her what was wrong, and she replied, 1 wanted to buy a red rose for my mother, but my money is not enough" The man smiled and said, "Come on in with me. I'll buy you a rose" He bought the little girl a rose, and he ordered for his own mother flowers, too.
After buying a rose flower for the girl, the man offered the girl a ride to her home She said, "Yes, please! You can take me to my mother" She directed him to a cemetery. The girl planted the rose on her mother's fresh grave Knowing the girl's mother had died, the man realized that he must show his love to his mother while she was still alive. Then the man returned to the flower shop He canceled the flower delivery order, picked up the rose flowers, and drove to lea( h his mother's house.
7 We can learn that we have to ...
B. Buy flowers for our mothers
C. Keep our mother alive
D. Obey to our mother
8 What did the man do after buying the girl a red rose?
B. He took the girl to her mother's cemetery
C. He went to his own home
D. He placed the rose on his mother's grave
9 The main idea of the first paragraph is ...
B. A man helped a girl by buying her a flower
C. A girl needed a man to deliver her a flower
D. A man bought a flower for a girl
This text is for question number 10 to 13
A long time ago, there lived an old man in Penanggungan mountain. His name was Kiai Gede Penanggungan He had supernatural power. Kiai Gede Penanggungan had a beautiful daughter named Dewi Walangangin who was not married yet.
Kiai Gede Penanggungan prayed days and nights for her daughter to have a husband One day, a young handsome man came to his place. The name of the man was Jaka Pandelengan He wanted to be Kiai Gede Penanggungan's student Kiat Gede agreed to have Jaka as his student with one condition that he would marry her daughter Jaka Pandelengan dan Dewi Walangangin soon got marred Gede Penanggungan taught Jaka many things.
After several years, now it was time for the couple to live separately from Kiai Gede Penanggungan They would move to another village Kiai Gede gave some seeds of pan or paddy to the couple He asked the couple to plant the seeds. He also warned the couple not to be arrogant when they were rich He wanted the couple to help poor people. The couple started a new life. They planted the seed Soon, the seeds grew and became a lot of rice. Now the couple became very rich The poor neighbors came to the couple to ask for some pan seeds, but the couple refused to help them.
Kiai Gede heard about the couple's bad behavior Soon he visited the couple. He met them when the couple was working in the field Kiai Gede talked to the couple He reminded the couple not to be arrogant. But the couple ignored him They said nothing to KIM Gede Kral Gede got very angry Then he said,' You two are like temples You do not listen to me" Right after he said those words. An incredible thing happened Slowly, Jaka and Dewi turned into temples_ Because the temples stood among the parr, people then named them Pan Temples.
10. What did Jaka Pandelengan and his wife do to be rich?
B. Had a great power
C. Planted part seeds
D. Built a temple.
11. The couple becomes temples because ...
B. Kiai Gede said so
C. Kiai Gede liked them
D. They were good people
12. ..., an incredible thing happened The underlined word means ...
B. unbelievable
C. common
D. usual
13. What can we learn from the story?
B. We have to listen to our parent's advice
C. We have to prepare a good paddy field
D. We should refuse other people's help
This text is for questions number 14 to 17.
The travelers and a Tree
One summer day, two men were walking. Soon it became too hot to go any further. Then, seeing a large tree nearby, they threw themselves on the ground to rest in its shade.
Gazing up into the branches, one man said to the other. "What a useless tree this is. It does not have fruit or nuts that we can eat and we cannot even use its wood for anything."
"Don't be so ungrateful,' rustled the tree in reply. "I am being extremely useful to you at this very moment, shielding you from the hot sun. And you call me a good-for-nothing!". Then the gentle winds blew and made the travelers fall asleep.
14. What was the day like according to the story?
B. Very warm
C. Cool enough
D. Very hot
15. The men had to stop under the tree because ...
B. they were ungrateful
C. it was too hot to go further
D. they were fallen asleep
16. Don't be so ungrateful. (Paragraph 3) What does the underlined word mean?
B. Too attentive
C. Really thankful
D. Not appreciative
17. What can you learn from the story?
B. For all travelers, trees are useful for resting.
C. Being good for nothing is not very nice.
D. We may not travel during the summer.
This text is for questions number 18 to 21.
Marie Currie
Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867. She was the only person who gained two Nobel prizes at that time. She achieved one in physics and one in chemistry. She was born Marie Sklodowska, the daughter of a chemistry professor. She was the first woman who attended the University of Sorbonne in Paris. As a poor student, she lived in Paris for only ten cents a day for 3 years. In 1895, she married Pierre Caurrie, a chemist. They had two daughters; Irene and Eve. Marie managed three lives as a researcher, a wife, and a mother.
In 1898, Marie discovered radium. Later she developed a concept of radioactivity, which marked the beginning of the atomic age. During World War I, Marie and her daughter completed a new medical tool -the X-ray. Marie died in 1934, only a year before her daughter won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
18. What is Marrie Currie's achievement during World War I?
B. She lived with only ten cents a day for three years.
C. She completed the X-ray machine with her daughter.
D. She was the first woman to study at Sorbonne University.
19. From the text, we know that ...
B. Pierre Currie was a Chemistry professor at Sorbonne University.
C. Irene Currie was Marie Currie's sister and had a similar passion.
D. Pierre Currie lived in Paris and went to Sorbonne University.
20. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
B. Marie's daughters are Irene and Five
C. Marie's family background
D Marie's achievement as a scientist
21. In 1898, Marie discovered radium. (paragraph 2) The underlined word means ...
B. met
C. got
D. found
This text is for questions number 22 to 25.
Once upon a time, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger lived on the foot of Mount Bromo. After six t\years of marriage, they had not had any children. They prayed, pleaded to Gods for children. Their prayer was granted on one condition. They should sacrifice their youngest son to Bromo crater.
After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child, and it happened every year until they had 25 children. They lived happily and forgot about the agreement. Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the Gods asked the couple to fulfill their promise. But they didn't want their youngest son, Raden Kusuma, to be sacrificed to the crater.
Raden Kusuma learned about the deal his parent had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater had made the people living near the mountain suffered. Since Raden Kusuma was a kind and nobleman, he didn't want his siblings and other people to suffer because of him. Therefore, he went to Mount Bromo and sacrificed himself to the crater. The eruption suddenly stopped.
After that day, the Tengger people have given offerings to the crater, as Raden Kusuma had sacrificed himself before.
22 Why did Roro Anteng and Koko Seger have to sacrifice their youngest son?
B. The son could stop the eruption.
C. They have promised to do that.
D. They have 25 children already.
23. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
B. Raden Kusuma sacrificed himself.
C. The crater of Mount Bromo was dangerous.
D. Raden Kusuma made people angry.
24. The text shows that Roro Anteng and Joko Seger ...
B. Disliked their youngest son.
C. Let their son kill himself.
D. Agreed to their son's behavior.
25. The moral value of the story is ...
B. Parents must not promise to do anything.
C. All parents love their children.
D. We have to fulfill our promise.
This text is for questions number 26 to 30.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Maria. She was tall, with black eyes and long shining hair. The color of her skin was light brown.
One morning, while she was collecting firewood, she met a young man. He looked like a hunter. He was tall, handsome, and very neatly dressed. No one knew who he was or where he came from nor did anyone know his name. He did not tell Maria about himself. Maria and this young man became good friends for a long time. They fell in love with each other. Maria wished he would marry her. But the young man never proposed to Maria. This made Maria unhappy. She persuaded the young man to marry her. She told him that they would be happy together because both of them did not have any family.
The young man did not agree with Maria's idea. He told Maria that he was not a human being. He was a spirit from the sky. They were different and they were not allowed to get married. Maria was very surprised. She did not know what to say. The young man said that he had to come back to the sky. He did not want Maria to know much about him.
Knowing the truth, Maria was very disappointed and felt so sad. Maria held the young man's hand tightly. She did not want to be separated from him. Suddenly there was a blinding flash of light and the young man disappeared. Maria was frightened when she knew that the man disappeared and he left his hand on Maria's.
Maria ran to her house and buried the man's hand in her garden. Soon, she saw a strange plant growing where she had buried it. The plan grew fast and some fruits appeared. The color of the fruit is yellow and it looks like a man's hand with a finger on it. That is how the fruit came to be known as banana, which originated according to the legend.
26. The text mainly tells us about ...
B. The young man's dream.
C. Maria's love story.
D. Maria's marriage.
27. Below is how the young man is described when he first met Maria, except ...
B. arrogant
C. handsome
D. neatly dressed
28. What happened with the man after the flash? He...
B. disappeared
C. ran to his house
D. hid behind a tree
29 What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
B. Maria was a spirit from the sky.
C. The young man was not a human being.
D. Maria didn't want to marry the young man.
30. From the story, we can learn that you ...
B. Should not trust strangers completely.
C. Should not marry other creatures.
D. Should never tell the truth.
Key Answer
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